Project City
Khartoum, Sudan
Student Name
Aaron Stone
Keke Huang
With the advent of the Pan-African Union and its guarantees for high quality housing, education, physical environments, healthcare, and employment, Sudan restructured its government to prioritize the formation of a truly pluralistic region. Once war-torn areas of Sudan found new support from the Sudanese government to build unique, self-identifying, societies. As a result, millions of internally displaced peoples who had previously migrated to Khartoum and its surrounding territory, returned to their homelands to help shape these new, semi-autonomous communities.
However, by this time, climate change has rendered almost all of Sudan infertile with the sole exception of Khartoum. Extremely high temperatures and prolonged droughts throughout the country has forced all of Sudanese society to rely primarily on lab grown food which is delivered twice daily through IV. This collective sacrifice has made the rarity of Earth grown food a culturally significant, and unifying, force. One which centers around the remaining fertile lands in Khartoum.
Khartoum’s position at the convergence of the Blue and White Nile has guaranteed agricultural feasibility for generations to come. This, however, is also met with challenges posed by climate change. The extraordinarily hot summer months has reduced the growing season to a three-month span in the winter, from November through January, paradoxically Khartoum’s dry season. With these challenges and the new responsibility as Sudan’s only viable agricultural region, Khartoum has made a sacrifice as well; to end the expansion of its built environment in order to protect and proliferate its arable lands.
As the growing season now only lasts three months and in only one area of Sudan, there is pressure to produce as much Earth-grown food as possible in this short amount of time. Therefore, the semi-autonomous societies of Sudan have embarked on an annual geoengineering project to ensure the stability of each year’s crops. This project is the generation of rain-producing clouds over Khartoum to control the temperature and wetness of its agricultural lands.
Each society produces a resource necessary for cloud seeding which they spend 8 months out of the year producing. They then travel underground via Migration Assistance Vehicles (MAVs) to Khartoum where they live for 3 months, growing crops under their collectively made artificial clouds. During this season, the societies indulge in Earth-grown food, eating together on large continuous tables before returning to their homelands at the end of the growing season to begin the cycle anew.
Learn more about Khartoum:
Osman, Mobark M., and Harun Sevinc. “Adaptation of Climate-Responsive Building Design Strategies and Resilience to Climate Change in the Hot/Arid Region of Khartoum, Sudan.” Sustainable Cities and Society 47 (2019): 101429.
Eltayeb, Galal Eldin. “Urban Slums Reports: The Case of Khartoum, Sudan.” Khartoum: University of Khartoum, 2003.
UN-Habitat (2003) Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, The Challenge of Slums, Earthscan, London; Part IV: 'Summary of City Case Studies', p195-228.
Jacobsen, Karen, “Internal Displacement to Urban Areas: the Tufts-IDMC Profiling Study, Khartoum, Sudan: Case 1.” IDMC, September 1, 2008.
IDMC. “Sudan: A Worsening Displacement Crisis in Need of a Comprehensive Response.” IDMC, July 1, 2013.